Sunday 29 September 2013

Important skill/qualities that employees look for

Finding a job now days can be extremely hard. Due to the economic resection to cuts by the government. So I having these skills listed below can boost your chance or even get the perfect job you want. Not one key alone can get you a job you need to have most of these skills. However if you do and show them off to employees you can most definitely have a fighting chance in the current climate.

Self- Motivation – Employers love to hire Self – Motivated people. This is because they won’t have to push you, you push yourself. Being self-motivated can vary from pushing yourself to get out of bed to getting things on time. From the research I took I saw that all employees that took part in my survey said they were all Self-Motivated. Some examples of how these employees motivated themselves were ‘By looking at what they can achieve in the future’ to even ‘looking forward to pay day.’ Either way this is self-motivation which is a quality lots of employees look for.

Leadership Qualities – Leadership is one of the best most look at qualities you can have. This is because employees love to have people that can lead properly and that they can be left to lead from the front on their own. Even small jobs need leadership skills. From the research I took all employees said that their position requires leadership skills; from a Social Media Administrator having to ’lead all social media campaigns’ to a CEO leading a whole business.

Respect – Respect is key in getting and keeping a job. Respect is key because the people around you that you will be working with will have problems if you/they don’t respect you. Respect comes in lots of forms. From my research it is noticeable how all employees said they were respected and respected fellow colleagues. The reason how they achieved this respect was from ‘Being on the level with them, being human and nice.’ Respect is key and by showing it you have a better chance on getting and keeping a job.

Dependability – Showing that you are dependable helps work flow. This is a key quality in getting a job because dependability means that your colleagues can depend on you in any situation. From my research I saw that all employees were dependable. Some examples of how they were are from ‘Being easy to talk to’ to ‘answering and helping out as soon as possible.’ And example of this is that they wouldn't start another job without finishing the one they have started.

Punctual – Punctuality is one of the best things to be and to have. This is when you’re on time. If you have say on your school record no lates it shows that you are very punctual. This is what employees love as it suggests if they employee you then you won’t be late. Being un-punctual can result in losing your job. So this is a key thing to have and keep for the long term. All employees that I researched showed to be punctual.
Problem Solving – Depending on what position you’re going for problem solving can be extremely important. However overall it is a great skill to have because you never know what situation you’re going to be in meaning that one day you could be put to the test ‘out of the blue.’ All employees that I researched did say that they had to imply some sort problem solving in there section of work.

Determination – Being a determined person alone can be an extremely valuable skill. By showing someone that you’re determined can mean that they don’t have to push you in any way and you get what they need to be finished. From my research I saw that people are determined by sort of the same thing. This was ‘By seeing what I can become and achieve in the future.’ 

Independently – Working independently is fantastic for employees if you are going for a higher position in the company where you’d be working a lot on your own. However never push that you’re the best at working independently as you also need to be a great team worker and employers love both of these. Lots of examples from my research about working independently where from things such as research to checking things over. Showing that even the little things need independent working.

Time Keeping – Being a good timekeeper/ time manager is great for everything especially a job. Having good timekeeping abilities mean that you get things done by deadlines and never miss important things. Employees love this as they don’t want people who are always behind they want people who are in front. Overall this can result in getting a job as time management can tie in with punctuality and attendance which are all very important things.

Written, Numerical and Verbal skills – Being able to write, count and communicate is what I’d say is in the top 3 for the most needed skills for example if you can’t count you’re not going to be much help with money, if you can’t talk you won’t be able to work in a team or even communicate with anyone and if you can’t write then you can’t use email etc. meaning that you could not do much in work. Every employee from my research said that they needed them everywhere! So having these skills are very important.

Health and Safety – It’s always good to be aware of the health and safety issues in your job as no one wants to get hurt or harmed. From my reached it was key that every job had some sort of health and safety issues somewhere. From protective gear to not being on the computer for a long period of time. So having some knowledge of health and safety is key because you don’t want to harm yourself or especially harm anyone else.

Laws/Legislation – From all my research I found that all employees had to come across some sort of Legislation somewhere whether it is the Health and Safety at Work Act of 1974 to the Data Protection Act. All came to some sort of legalization. For example one specific legislation that a company came across was the Computer Misuse Act of 1990. An example of a Record label using the Data Protection Act is them not giving away any information in anyway at all.

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